

KRIDHA Platinum Plywood is advisable to be used in public places, where the risk of fire has to be reduced. The areas such as in kitchen woodwork of large restaurants, interior woodwork public auditoriums, theatres and banquet halls KRIDHA Platinum FR Plywood is very suitable for every application in premium homes and villas as it confirms to all requisites of IS 710 and 18:5509. It can be used in railway.

Compartments of railway trains or other public transport or station facilities. KRIDHA Platinum FR Plywood is the most suitable plywood panel for high rise commercial buildings as this will prevent the occupants from fire and fumes for an extended period of time to provide enough escape time.

KRIDHA Platinum FIRE RETARDANT PLYWOOD is manufactured as per IS:5509 specifications that ensures the rate of burning of the plywood extended beyond 20 minutes. The time taken for flames to penetrate in KRIDHA Platinum fire retardant Plywood is beyond 30 minutes

Test ISI Requirements Observed Values
1 Length 2440 + 60 2442mm
2 Width 1220 + 30 1222mm
3 Thickness 12mm plus/minus 5% 11.80mm
4 Squareness 2mm/1000mm 0.95mm
5 Edge straightness 2mm/1000mm 0.50mm
6 Workmanship & finish As per clause 9.1 to 9.2 Satisfactory
Physical properties
7 Density 0.60-0.65 0.64
8 Moisture contents 5-20% 10.25%
9 Water resistance test
Cyclic test
8 hours 16 hours
Boiling - drying 3
Pass standard Excellent
10 Mycological Test Pass standard Excellent
11 Static bending strength
Along the grain M.O.E
Across the grain M.O.E
Along the grain M.O.R.
Across the grain M.O.R
Avg. 5000N/mm²
Ind. 4500N / m * m ^ 2
Avg. 2500N/mm²
Ind. 2200N / m * m ^ 2
Avg. - 40
Ind. 36
Avg. - 20
Ind. 18
5850N / m * m ^ 2
4020N / m * m ^ 2
3480N / m * m ^ 2
2855N / m * m ^ 2
47.8N / m * m ^ 2
36.4N / m * m ^ 2
27.25N / m * m ^ 2
20.35N / m * m ^ 2
12 Flammability 30 Min. 35 Min.
13 Flame penetration 30 Min. 33 Min.
14 Rate of burning 20 Min. (Wt. loss 30 to 70%) 28 Min.

PROTECTION TIME : 40 min, 60 min,120 min.

RESISTANCE: It resists Spark and Ignite without any penetration. It offers 30% lesser smoke generation with extended flame penetration time. It offers very slow burning, having a decreased tendency of the fire to spread over the surface of the plywood.

SIZES : 8×4, 7×4

THICKNESS : 6mm, 9mm, 12mm. 16mm, 19mm, 25mm.

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