
Block Board

KRIDHA BWP BLOCK BOARD is made with high density. HARD wood core and PINE wood filler. The inside wood battens is prepared with seasoned wood, bonded with BWP Grade (Boiling Water Proof) resin that can endure extreme weather conditions and withstand alternate drying & wetting. KRIDHA BWP boards are waterproof and designed for those who want genuine durable and weather proof quality Block board for their furniture of home interior. The KRIDHA BWP Grade Block boards are exclusive and different from market offering because of its Gapeless filling and composing of battens inside.

KRIDHA BLOCK BOARD undergoes a special process of treatment not only from outside but also inside to develop resistance against micro-organism. The wood battens are dipped and seasoned to enhance borer resistance and to make dimensionally stable thus making it very appropriate for high-quality projects.

Test ISI Requirements Observed Values
1 Dimensional changes caused by humidity
a) Changes, mm
from 65% RH to 90% RH
from 65% RH to 40% RH
b) Local planeness
c) At the extreme range of humidity
+ 1mm Max
- 1mm Max.
< 1/150
No de-lamination at the extreme range of humidity
+ 0.50 mm
- 0.55 mm
< 1/175
No de-lamination observed
2 Adhesion of the plies Minimum pass standard Excellent
3 Resistance to water (72 hours boiling) No de-lamination after 72 hours boiling No de-lamination
4 Resistance to micro organisms No appreciable sign of separation at edges. No separation at edges
5 Modulus of elasticity Min. 5000 N / 6050 N/
6 Modulus of rupture Min. 50 N / 61 N/
7 Spot test Entire penetration of preservative chemicals through batten Satisfactory

SIZES: 8×4

THICKNESS: 19mm, 21MM, 25mm

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